Tablo® for Nephrologists
You can change the status quo.
Personalizing dialysis with Tablo:
A new clinical paradigm is possible
The current landscape
Today, Renal Replacement Therapy is prescribed for long periods of time, then patients “drop” to IHD due to a lack of options.
Adapting to patients’ needs
With Tablo, there is the opportunity to deliver treatment up to 24 hours and incrementally decrease treatment time, get patients mobile on “off tx time” and potentially improve outcomes by slowly bringing them to IHD.
Qd of 300 mL/min achieves similar clearance as ≥500 mL/min
Tailor therapy to your patients’ clinical needs, not to the limitations of your dialysis machines.
Explore training options, resources, services and specialized programs that support a successful transition to Tablo.
Destination Home
Service & Support
Dependable support for all critical elements of the Tablo console, software, water filtration system and accessories.
EMR Connect
Say goodbye to manual charting with real-time data integration between Tablo and compatible EMRs.
Tablo E-Learning
Online resources and e-learning modules available to Tablo users via TabloHub.
Tablo can lead to an easier transition to home dialysis*
Average training time on Tablo is only 2 weeks, compared to 4-6 weeks with the other device.
Clearance Goals
All patients successfully achieved clearance goals (Kt/V of ≥ 2.0) in fewer avg. weekly treatments.
Adherence and Success
Using Tablo leads to high rates of treatment adherence and treatment success at home.†
*Compared to NxStage
†D. E. Henner: Transition of a Home Hemodialysis Program to the Tablo System. ADC 2021.
3 Nephrologists Explain 3 Keys to Growing Home Dialysis
Education, telehealth, and incentives are key elements needed to empower more kidney disease patients to dialyze at home, say three seasoned nephrologists.
Want to know about training new nurses on Tablo, the customer support Outset provides to health systems, or something else?
*The Tablo® Hemodialysis System and TabloCart™ is indicated for use in patients with acute and/or chronic renal failure, with or without ultrafiltration, in an acute or chronic care facility. Treatments must be administered under physician’s prescription and observed by a trained individual who is considered competent in the use of the device. The Tablo Hemodialysis System is also indicated for use in the home. Treatment types available include Intermittent Hemodialysis (IHD), Sustained Low Efficiency Dialysis (SLED/ SLEDD), Prolonged Intermittent Renal Replacement Therapy (PIRRT), and Isolated Ultrafiltration.