EMR Connect for the Tablo® Hemodialysis System
Simplify dialysis workflows from charting to billing.
patient charting and documentation for Tablo to save staff time
flowsheets in patient chart designed to minimize documentation errors
manual charting with data transfer from Tablo to your EMR platform
Streamlined connection from the patient to your EMR.
Secure, cloud-based
Automated patient
charting in EMR
charting in EMR
Nurses spend up to 41% of their time on documentation
Say “Goodbye” to manual charting
Data Options
- 70+ treatment fields for charting
- Data transmission timing defined by customer
- Event-based data and alarms
- One-way dialysis treatment data transmission
- HL7v2 and API/JSON communication options
- Secure, dedicated, cloud-based connection
- Support for HIPAA compliance
EMR Vendor Support
- Major vendors such as Epic, Cerner, Meditech and Gaia
- Full vendor list upon request
Request a demo
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If you are a patient or a caregiver and want to learn more about Tablo, click here.
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